Thursday, December 24, 2009


So... Lucas has been learning to read and write words.  Recently, Jenni asked him to write his name.  Now Lucas knows how to write his name: L-U-C-A-S.  He has written it that way for over a year.  But this time he decided to write L-U-C-I-S.  That's because "I" makes the "ih" sound.  It was hard to explain to him that sometimes we write things differently than we say them.

And - if that wasn't funny enough (Lucas arguing about how we spell his name).  He has started playing the copy game:

Brian: Hey...
Lucas: Hey
Brian: What?
Lucas: What?
Brian: ha ha!
Lucas: ha ha!

--- then it got interesting ---

Brian: I, Lucas
Lucas: I, Lucas
Brian: will give Dad all my presents.
Lucas: will give Dad all my presents... NO!!!
Brian: NO!!!
Lucas: No, don't take them!
Brian: No, don't take them!
Lucas: Ugh!!
Brian: Ugh!!

... and he stopped playing ...

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