Monday, June 22, 2009

Kylie Beth!

Woah! So I'm sure everyone knows we are having a baby girl. It's hard for me to type g-i-r-l. Not because I'm afraid of it (I'm really not). It just has more letters than b-o-y. Ok, I don't know what to do with a girl. Boys I understand and all I have to do to entertain them is lay on the floor (usually when they are done "playing" - I can't get up anyway).

Lucas is into dinosaurs, soccer and swords (I'm 2 for 3 on that - sports aren't my strong suit). Chase likes making Lucas mad. And Max likes screaming when someone breaths on him (sound familiar, mom?). (Parenthesis are my way of letting you know what I'm thinking (kind of like a commentary (or like lisp (the programming language (wow - we're pretty far in here (you better get out now)))))).

I am actually really excited about having a girl. It's really a big surprise to me. It's like someone hands you an apple. And then when that apple is 18 months old they hand you another apple (this one seems really small). Then you get another apple when your other apples are 3 and 18 months. Then when that 3rd apple is 2 years old -they hand you a kiwi. (why a kiwi? I don't know).

It's not that I don't like kiwi - I do. It's just that I have the apple corer/pealer/slicer. It doesn't work with kiwis. Apples... pears... sure - but not a kiwi. Also, is it socially acceptable to put a kiwi in the crisper as a 2 year old apple (or a 20 year old grapefruit for that matter)?

Now, that I've exhausted my fruit metaphor - I forget where I was going. Pie anyone?


Lauren said...

Girls are actually into the same things as boys, just in pink. Rachel likes trucks, dinosaurs (although she doesn't know all of them like your boys), playing with balls, swings, running around like a crazy person, trains, blocks...she just does it all while wearing a princess dress and a tiara.

Tiffany said...

First of all, I love the name! Ryan really liked the name too... but it was already used, so we couldn't use it. I also love the metaphor! You'll do great... just remember to take her shopping or give her money for pretty things haha... You'll learn what she likes and doesn't like... plus with 3 brothers she will have to be tough!! Congrats!!